Leizhan company has successfully signed a whole set of packaging paper pulping project with a Vietnam paper mill. We are very grateful to our customers for their support!
3 月 13, 2019
Leizhan company has successfully signed a whole set of packaging paper pulping project with a Vietnam paper mill. We are very grateful to our customers for their support!
3 月 12, 2019
Leizhan company has successfully signed a whole set of energy-saving waste paper pulping project with Shantou YaoDe Paper Industry. We are very grateful to our customers for their support!
1 月 10, 2019
Leizhan company has delivered a full set of pulping equipment to Magura Paper Mills Ltd. who is regular customer for Leizhan company. The picture is show the delivery site in our company.
1 月 08, 2019
Recently, Leizhan company has delivered a set of pulping equipment for the production of 600 T/d corrugated paper in a Xinjiang paper mill.
1 月 06, 2019
Leizhan company has successfully signed a whole set of energy-saving waste paper pulping project with Philippine customers. We are very grateful to our customers for their support!
12 月 17, 2018
As Argentine customers need to renovate their packaging lines, Leizhan company has deliver a suit of pulping equipment to our customers recently. The delivery site is shown as below.
12 月 16, 2018
In order to expand production, a yarn tube paper company successfully ordered a set of pulping equipment from Leizhan company in Guangxi province.
12 月 11, 2018
After purchasing a complete set of corrugated paper equipment for the first time, the Vietnamese customer successfully ordered a set of pulping equipment from Leizhan company recently.
8 月 21, 2018
Pulping Equipment, Pulping Machine, Paper Pulper, Chain Conveyor, Drum Pulper, High Density Cleaner, Agitator, Reject Separator, etc.
8 月 19, 2018
A set of 150T/D corrugated paper equipment is delivered. The main equipment include Chain Conveyor, Drum Pulper, M.C.Pressure Screen, Reject Separator,etc.
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