In the modern production of the paper industry, the rewinder, as the core equipment of the back-end process, directly determines the quality and production efficiency of the finished paper roll. The 2200/600 High Speed Underfeed Rewinder launched by Leizhan is specially designed for industrial paper with a quantitative of 200-600g/m², covering high-strength paper processing scenarios such as kraft paper, cardboard, and boxboard.
Main Information
Basic weight: 200-600g/m2
Paper feeding method: bottom feeding
Trimmed width: 2200mm
Design speed: 500m/min
Working speed: 600m/min
Base paper roll diameter: φ2000mm
Finished paper roll diameter: φ1500mm
Paper web tension range: 0.3-1.2 kg/cm
The 2200/600 High Speed Underfeed Rewinder has been used in the production lines of many large paper companies at home and abroad, and has won industry reputation with its stable performance. Welcome to contact us for more information about it. Email: